What is Canvaswork? The background material is called canvas and it comes in many
different sizes. It is evenly woven and #12 Mono means it has single thread and there
are twelve threads to an inch both horizontally and vertically. Therefore, #18 Mono
canvas means eighteen threads to the inch both horizontally and vertically. It comes in
many different colours so that the canvas and thread can match and become part of a
There is a multitude of different threads that can be used and the sizing of the thread
depends on the size of the canvas chosen. If the canvas is #18 to #24 count you want
finer threads and larger canvases such as #12 to #16 will require thicker threads.
Luckily for us most patterns come with recommended threads and canvas so you do not
have to mix and match unless you want too.
Is Canvaswork new? No, many people know it as Needlepoint or Petite Point. The
difference between these words are that Needlepoint and Petite Point usually refer to
one stitch, the Continental Stitch. Canvaswork is exciting and interesting as there are
hundreds of different stitches that can be used.
This section has been divided into topics (Dreams, Scissor holders) or themes
(Christmas, Gardens, Months) for easy reviewing. All the designs have a picture, some
information on the size and some of the materials required along with a suggested
proficiency level. If you have questions please ask.
When you decide that you like a pattern here, check out the STUDENT GALLERY link
above to see if someone has done it in different colours. Did they change stitches or
add something else to the design? How have they framed or finished the project?
There is a suggested price but you may find that the pattern has been priced higher in
your local needlework store; this would be due to postage charges, especially since it
comes from Canada.
The focus of this course is to offer students
an opportunity to alter the appearance of
an original design. Suggested options are
provided in many sections. These choices
can be different stitches,colours, opposite
colour value directions and fibre.
The model features a neutral border with
two distinct colour harmonies A (green)
and B (mulberry). For the third family C,
I expanded the number of values included
in the colour range of the neutral border.
Wonderful results can be achieved through
numerous colour combinations. You are
encouraged to use your creativity and
individuality in your selections. Record the
colours in the space provided. At the back
of the book is an alternative square āGā.
You can place the squares in any order.
There are a large variety of stitches and
Proficiency: Intermediate to Advanced
Suggested Retail Price: $50.00

Come discover this inspiring design of
shared friendship between three people.
The flowing ribbon entwines their
A large variety of fibres and stitches (many
worked on the diagonal) are offered for the
intermediate to advanced stitcher. Diverse
techniques such as beading, attaching and
enhancing cording, covering unusual
objects plus using a laying tool.
A supply page will be provided so the
stitcher can purchase their own supplies
for their own journey in colour.
Proficiency: Intermediate to Advanced
Suggested Retail Price: $26.00